Life changing wisdom from past life regressions

Taralina Nau
7 min readNov 25, 2023


Past life regression is the act of going back to the time before your birth in this life and backtrack to the lives before this one. So far I’ve found two techniques which are meditation and hypnotherapy.

To my surprise I discovered that there are certified specialists in past-life regression therapy in most cities. Those practitioners use hypnosis with suggestion to trigger recall in their patients. Firstly bringing the person into a deep state of relaxation, and then guiding them with specific questions to the exact points of time in their past lives which were important situations often the roots for problems grown into this current life.

There are authors and spiritual practitioners who are talking of parallel lives instead of a linear journey of a soul from the point of view of reincarnation. They are probably right about the soul’s journey being way beyond a simple, typical understanding of time. I definitely have to look into that, but I don’t have such a multidimensional understanding yet, so I highly encourage you to go do some deeper research if this topic resonates with you. This following video is an example of a hypnosis which resulted in diving into a life in the early 3000s, which shows that the concept of parallel lives is true or that our higher consciousness — either personal or the collective one — can read and live in the information of the future = parallel life = time being not linear. You might say it’s just a imagination, a psychological part of yourself. Let say that’s true, fine, but what else are we than our imagination, especially our own deep subconscious images?

I’ve been obsessively watching past life regression hypnotherapy sessions on YouTube. It’s amazing how many footage there is from people sharing their experience, as well as literal footage of hypnotherapy sessions. Watching a countless number of them it’s clear for me to see that firstly the behavior of patients is very similar which after watching many, it absolutely took away my doubts of the genuineness of the content and procedure. Secondly there are constantly reoccurring themes and patterns which make sense to me spiritually, like the unbreakable thread of the law of karma weaving all reincarnations into one piece. A pattern.

The following video is the first part out of three showing a past life regression. This video is mainly the part of getting the patient to reach a deep relaxation, the second one shows the main part of the guided hypnosis with its questions and recall, the third video is both of them afterwards looking back analyzing the outcome. This is how it looks most of the time, with differences in experiences and some people being able to remember exact details like dates.

Just to get some perspective, it is said that a soul might take around 500 human reincarnations to start reaching a higher spiritual level where one is going on the journey of unlocking spiritual truths in their life. During the 300th human reincarnation a soul might still be very low in their development of consciousness, with low morals and knowing in life. I explain this for myself with the Eastern teachings which describe the evolution of the soul’s consciousness. It’s said that the animal form precedes the human. Imagine a consciousness with only the experience of being driven by the animalistic impulse in the grip of nature’s needs. A soul with this level of consciousness, due to reaching a level beyond the animal at some point with its compassion and certain understanding, still will have to learn to conquer it’s impulses and animalistic nature in the world of new possibilities which they have found themselves in, to really become “human on the inside”. Just take a look around at people, this might explain a lot. After hundreds of human reincarnations reaching a decent human level of consciousness through experience, the journey continues towards a higher spiritual being, this time overcoming and leaving behind the human limitations and views.

I highly recommend watching many past life regressions because it’s an experience itself which when approached with an open mind will intuitively give you quite some understanding about this world. Experience you will not get just by reading about it.

Common points in past life regressions

1. Recognizing souls

In most of the regressions I watched, the hypno therapist asks the patient to look into the eyes of people in their visions and see if they recognize them from their current lives. And for the biggest part they do.

  • often times family members would reincarnate in the same families, playing either same roles or interchanging, in one lifetime you were siblings, in the next parent child, and later married -> soul ties & soul families
  • feelings towards each other remain similar throughout many lives which shows either a constant supportive connection or conflicting one like rivalry, deep distrust resulting from a unpleasant experience in a past life etc. -> soul memory & karmic relationships
  • despite of different appearances, there is an instant identification of familiarity-> soul recognition

2. Personality

My impression of what I’ve seen so far is that the personality doesn’t change much from one life to another because the time in between leaving one body and being reborn into another seems just like a pause, like going to sleep at night where we travel through our astral realm which is our feelings and memories we see dreams. Most people wake up not remembering dreams, but feeling exactly how they were before going to sleep. That’s pretty much rebirth from a very shallow perspective. The ‘Tibetan Book of The Dead’ describes it in detail, just with the Buddhist deities in mind, which for people with other beliefs would differ.

  • consciousness level with it’s beliefs and morality code carries the resulting personal traits of behavior into the next life as they are during the time of death
  • strong personality/ high consciousness will still be high even if reborn in worse circumstances, into a bad or poor family in order to have a need to activate their high potential by overcoming obstacles and proving their strength to this reality which won’t leave you untested
  • if a soul becomes aware of it’s imperfections and deeply understands their shortcomings = learns their life lessons, those deeply integrated realizations may change the personality and course of the next life

3. Life paths

That’s quite similar to the previous point, and it makes sense that if our beliefs stay the same, and let’s say we lived a happy family life in the 18th century in Texas, after being reborn ending up again in a good n stable family environment in Texas in the 19th century we will pretty much continue living in samilar way just with slight cultural differences of that time and place, if no major intense life circumstances change us.

  • if the beliefs don’t change, personality doesn’t change -nor does the next life path -> stagnation, not much soul evolution
  • change = personal growth = evolution caused by difficult situations in life, new waves of information, interaction with people, nature, culture
  • soul ties will pull you again into similar relationships usually
  • people fail repeatedly in a similar way over multiple lifetimes
  • -> what I saw explains the soul evolution happening very slowly, so the 500+ required human reincarnations for the consciousness to start developing awareness don’t seem as an exaggeration, more reason for us to put in more effort into this life! Speed up the process.
  • worth mentioning is the common poverty of the last centuries which many souls currently here lived in and experienced trauma from the lack of food, safety, inequality, violence etc. which we must keep in mind that we are still carrying in our memory which may trigger unexplainable fear and situations nowadays

4. Remembering the moment of death

Always an important part is to go back to the moment of death, and describing how, of what and what age you died, as this is often connected to a traumatic experience in some sense which floweth into their future reincarnations creating problems.

  • shocking to hear how many patients were killed violently in their past reincarnations, either due to the harshness of the law and lifestyle in past periods, or killed by their family members, loved ones out of rage, revenge, inheritance, rivalry etc.
  • body parts hit at violent deaths can cause medically undetectable pain in the current life

3. Obstacles

It’s common for the patients to be asked to sum up that life they’re recalling in it’s lesson which mirrors the regrets clearly


emotion caused more often by outer influences which wasn’t overcome leading to most regrets

  • not living acoording to your will
  • repressed by society and culture


  • laziness
  • indifference to the happenings inside yourself and around
  • neglection of the importance of every action and decision
  • wastage of time and energy
  • yielding to impulses and cravings, life devoded to temporary pleasure


  • most suffering comes from the influence of other people, ranging from their lack of presence to the excess of attention
  • even the most beautiful love story leads to suffering during separation
  • intense energetic emotional and mental connections are the problem of each and every patient leading to hundreds of lifetimes of suffering due to the unavoidable separation during death as well as when we are transcending the human state of existence as we rise to a devine, whole being while still having soul ties pulling us back
  • unavoidable lowering of one’s one’s consciousness level plus failure to live one’s higher purpose very easily happens when creating intense connections with people of lower levels of consciousness, leading back to Nr.2 and then back to Nr.1



Taralina Nau
Taralina Nau

Written by Taralina Nau

I am a free thinker who tries to find the truth of this existence. Looking into different aspects of life, I'm going to share what I think is important.

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